Strategy or Execution — Which is More Important to Content Marketing Success?

curata__bXtDq0TRqeaaBHr.jpegWhich is more important to the success of your content marketing effort — superior strategy or killer execution?  That question has been asked by marketers since medieval vendors were trying to decide between a street cart (go to the people) and a stall at the bazaar (be where the people come to shop).  So why is it so difficult to give this question the necessary time and attention?

The answer to that can be found in the results of the 2016 edition of MarketingProf’s and CMI’s annual research study. That study found that 62% of respondents said that their 2016 content marketing effort was more successful than previous years. Their basis for that? They produced more content.  It is always tempting to focus on execution as the “results” of our efforts because that is what is visible.

But is that the best way to judge our content marketing efforts? We don’t think so and neither do the study’s authors. In the article linked here they offer five distinct methodologies for slowing down and making sure your content effectively addresses your target persona’s needs. Those methods are excellent one-off ways to enhance your efforts. But we think an integrated approach to the whole process is the key to success. Here’s how that looks.

First, we craft data-driven buyer personas, uncovering preferences and testing message alternatives so that together we can launch your marketing communications with high confidence.

Then we work with you to create a strategy with clearly defined tactics and measures spanning touchpoints from digital and traditional media to sales support.

Now the good stuff, the creative execution. We all love great creative. And creatives love a great creative environment. We’ve created a culture in which writers, designers, video editors and animators can brainstorm, collaborate with each other and with clients, and then do their thing.

And finally the boring part. The part that makes all the difference in whether or not your efforts generate results. Our project management teams ensure that everything gets where it needs to be, when it needs to be there. We track activities across each channel to report on results and guide succeeding projects.

That’s the fundamentals of balancing strategy and execution — as with so many things in business, the answer is — “both!”  Now read on to get some great tips on how to make this work more effectively for your content marketing effort.

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